From then on I often wondered what they were saying to
each other in various different situations. I also wondered about their back
stories before they came to us. I do a lot of wondering!
I was particularly curious about the three animals who
were rescue animals – Mags, the dog and two of the cats, Smig and Ebi. Smig
looked okay when she came to us, but Ebi was in a terrible state. Her
fur was dirty, matted and tangled and her ears were full of ticks. Mags looked
alright except she could not raise her left ear and if there were any sudden
movements near her head, she shied away.
So that was it! I started to write their stories and
included Trig and Róisín. Realizing that I needed some humans to help the
animals, I decided to include two of my favourite people, my two grandsons,
Diarmuid and Eoghan. So that’s how it started!
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